The A - Z Guide Of COVID 19 - Volume 6 p. 48.

 The A-Z Guide Of COVID-19, Volume 6, p. 48. Lucius Herondale reexamined his sister's broken bowl. About a year ago, I went to a meditation place (with a do-gooder group) that has a large labyrinth. We walked it for a while, there were lights and various "musical" things going on, and I took a really long walk all the way around the inside as well as on one of the outside paths. If I had just done the walking, it would probably have taken me most of an hour. With the music, I think it took me close to two hours. I have never been back since, but I have the impression that there's a wall around the labyrinth now, and it has become inaccessible. I remember now that I was thinking that there were so many things I wanted to do. Maybe I thought of them all at once, or maybe I was trying to recall the whole scheme, but I had just read in Brian Rahman's book The Presence Of Death about how he realised that, as an atheist, he always understood spirituality as something other than a simple feeling, and he thought that he had never been properly spiritual before because he always thought spirituality was something spiritual beings did. That made me realise that I had never really been spiritually connected because I always thought spirituality was a form of feeling, and I can't feel. The thing is, though, that if you really look at the way that you feel, you can see that it has meaning, and you can understand it. It's as simple as that. For instance, if you're feeling exhausted because you've been doing loads of work, it's easy to see that you are becoming tired, not that you are actually tired. If you're feeling happy because you've just met a cute girl, you're probably not seeing her in exactly the same way as if you'd met her at a party, but if she's acting friendly towards you, then you're happy because you really like her. (Even if you wouldn't in a party situation.) Anyway, if you know your body well, and you pay attention to it when you're experiencing strong emotions,


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